Broken Dolls

Archival print by Kate Phillips for sale on Etsy.

Broken dolls are really creepy. I had a pair of my moms dolls from childhood (arms amputated) in a little rocker in my room growing up and my friends always made me turn them around to get rid of their stare (see below). Maybe everyone is scared because of the "play things coming alive at night" storyline (think Chucky).

In any case, I like old dolls for the same reason that I like antiques and animals up for adoption— their make-up has been loved off, their arms broken, and now they need a home. It's fun to imagine the lives they've lived.

Yesterday I found this AMAZING mid-century painting of a child and her broken doll that I am in love with and hanging in my bathroom. I think it's got less of the creepy factor because it's 2D.

1 comment:

Stephanie Clayton said...

broken dolls ARE rather creepy. really, any dolls staring in the darkness. i also used to turn mine around, too, so they wouldn't be staring at me if i woke up during the night!
great post. :)